
Whilst basic maintenance such as site updates (software), site security and site back ups are included in your initial payment, you may need to make continuous updates to your site. These updates could include new content, new products, updated pictures etc. To prevent having to handle this yourself, at the risk of your site experiencing problems or even down time, we offer a monthly Maintenance+ Service where we will take care of any updates you wish to make. Regularly keeping your website fresh, will lead to an increase in traffic and business productivity!

Why Opt For Maintenance+?

Brand Protection Customers make their opinion about a brand within seconds of viewing the home page. Having your website offline for a few minutes can have a serious impact on your brand reputation.

Keep Content Fresh Keeping the content up to date on your site helps build trust between you and your customers. Most likely, customers rely on your site for useful information on whatever market you are in.

Avoid Losing Revenue Do you plan on having an online store and accepting payments via credit cards? We make sure all e-commerce and affiliate software is up to date and protected to keep your payments coming in!

Focus on Your Core Business Having a properly designed and maintained website can be a headache. Let us take care of all your website worries, keeping your site fresh, whilst you focus on promoting your business.

Maintain High Quality Visuals Your company needs to keep up with the latest visuals by updating the aesthetics on your website. Make sure to take a look at your graphics once or twice a year and see if they could be changed or improved.

Offering Something New Brand loyalty is a vital part of running a successful company, but you most certainly don’t want your loyal fans to grow bored of what you’re offering. Add something new to your website as often as you can.

Our Maintenance+ Service package comes from £39.95 a month.

Pricing will be based on the size of the site, and the necessity to make frequent and large scale changes. Monthly site performance reports also included so you can track the popularity of your site.

Web Design | Graphic Design | Logo Design - North London

Brown Bear Digital Design is an expert web and graphic design agency based in Barnet, North London. We’re committed to helping our clients reach their full online potential by providing the best design solutions, guidance and support.

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